Saturday, September 13, 2008 10:49:00 AM
3 days of intensive IT training. Installing, Rebooting, Making Network Cable. And I wouldn't have survived these training without my NYAA/YEP clan. These were the people who create laughter and a fun learning environment.
This is only the malay clans only, the chinese went for their lunch. They truly made day. For some I really want to get to know you better. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yesterday after the IT Training, went to VivoCity to buka with the girls. Namely Izzah, Fiera, Aziemah, Azimah, Hidayah, Insyirah. Break fast at Ramen-Ten. Spend like 2 hours there. We ordered alot of food especially the sushi so damn delicious. Spend like $180.80 exectly. Then lepak-ing at the water front play some lame games [brought to you by fiera]. Discuss on the next outing to ZOO [looking forward to it girls]. And we took alot of photos. Upload it maybe later or tomorrow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Congratulations to Fazli for achieving his 100th posts to date. It took him roughly 2 years to achieve it. Compare to others within 6 months. The next 100th posts will be another 2 years from today. Do check it up.